Sunday, November 7, 2010

Holiday Survival Guide

In order to stay balanced and retain our sanity and our health during the holiday season,  it is helpful to plan ahead and follow these helpful tips. Make this year the year to really enjoy the holidays by committing to taking exquisite care of yourself.
1.  Get plenty of rest.  Our bodies require more rest during this time of the year and all the extra festivities can tire us even more.  Go to bed early and allow yourself little naps here and there.  If you suffer from insomnia, be sure to talk to your healthcare practitioner.  There are many natural remedies that really do work!

2.  Plan Ahead  Before you head out to your next holiday party, eat a healthy snack so you are not famished when you arrive.  Make a commitment to hold off or limit the alcohol and drink sparkling water with a twist instead.  Remember the reason for the party or gathering is to celebrate your friends or colleagues, not to indulge in the food.

3.   Move your Body  Exercise will help you stay in shape and improve your mental outlook.  Keeping up with your exercise will help to improve your mood, relieve stress and keep you in shape.  Remember you are worth finding the extra time to take care of yourself.

4.  Follow the Core Principles for a Healthy Relationship with your body and food. 
The core to a healthy relationship with food and your body is to practice mindfulness around eating.  Eat without distractions, eat when you are hungry, practice gratitude for your bounty and appreciate all that goes into bringing food to your table.  When you are mindful at home, it spills out into being mindful at social events and parties.  It is much more difficult to sabotage yourself when you are staying mindful.

5.  Enroll in a Buddy System  Ask a friend or professional to for support during this time.  Call them before you head out to recommit to your plan.  If you are struggling with difficult feelings or memories, ask for some time to talk it through.  Because the holidays often bring up sadness or loneliness, we might find ourselves eating to avoid these feelings.

6. Write it Down  Journaling is a great tool for staying conscious of your feelings, being mindful of what and why you are eating and staying honest with yourself.  Write down the commitments you made to yourself and reread them as often as necessary--especially when you are feeling particularly vulnerable and weak. 

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